
Monday, April 5, 2010

My own story of Demon and Angel..

What you can't see is the broken heart,fore i knew we were meant to be together from the beginning. the fact that pretending your with me,is easier than admitting that you love me. tear are falling not from my eyes but from my heart. what you don't see is that i could have taken the pain away,could saved you from the dark. just wanted to hold you till you don't hurt,but you had to fade away from my arms,wanted to kiss you gently on the lips but he stole the kiss from you my angel. our hands we once laced together griping ever so tight,as you sprouted your wings and flew from my dream. should have saw your pain but i got to caught up within myself,blinded unto your sorrow my angel. too late to apologize for now you sore neath the calm skies into the arms of another. wounded i walk down the steps of hell,knowing that it was foolish to think an angel could love a demon. now and then i escape from hell on a rainy night just to enjoy the rain of feeling,your soft touch kissing my face,for the feeling the rain in as close as i will ever get to you holding me my lovely angel. just wish you would dance with me my angel,but heaven would never allow such thing to happen. opposites say us together isn't right,yet i fight for the chance to be with you,am i naive?. do i wish upon false hope knowing the chances are slim to none of us flying away my angel?. here i'm lost in the fires of hell for the love we once had and knew,poundering the question how could an angel of the light love a demon of the dark. a heavenly angel love a demon of hell?,answer this love please i beg of you. since nor heaven nor hell will allow us to be together,can we love in secret my angel?,for forbidden love is the essence and by holding your hand i only then feel the comfort of the serenity in the world..and for what is worth maybe i don't have the love from you,but i always have you in my pray my lovely angel..

My own sorrow..

I try to talk to you, but i dont know what to say, iam afraid you dont want me to say i dont. But inside of me there are words waiting to come out, and tell you how i feel-like how i miss you, and how i love you despite my broken heart. "if i never met you, i wouldnt like you....if i didnt like you, i wouldnt love you....if i didnt love you, i wouldnt miss you....but i did, i do, and i will". But those words may forever stay in my heart-locked inside. Sometimes i wonder if there are words locked inside you too?!?....i gues i'll never know....

My own fantasy of story

There was once this guy who is very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1000 paper cranes as a gift to his girl. Although at the time he was just a small fry in his company,his future didn't seem too bright. They were very happy together,until one day,his girl told him she was going to paris and will never come back,she also told him that she cannot continue any future for the both of them,so they went their own ways there and then....heartbroken,the guy agreed,but when he regained his confidence,he worked hard day and night,slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself,finally with all the hard work and the help of a friend,this guy had set up his own company....(you never fail until you stop trying). On one rainy day,while this guy was driving,he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrela in the rain and walking to some destination. Even with the umbrela,it didn't take him long to realize they were his girl's parents. With a heart in getting back at them,he drove slowly beside the couple,wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan,he wanted them to know that he wasn't the same any more,he had his own company,car,condo etc. What he saw next confused him,the couple was walking towards a cemetery,and so he got out of his car and followed....he saw his girl,a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone and he saw his paper cranes right beside her....her parents saw him,he asked them why this had happened??,they explained,she did not leave for france at all,she was ill with cancer. She believed that he will be succes one day,but she did not want to be his obstacle,therefore she had chosen to leave him....(just because someone doesn't love you the way you wanted them too,it doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have). She wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her,because if the day comes when faith brings him to her again,he can take some of those paper back with him....(once you have loved someone,you will always love)....(for what's in your mind may escape but what's in your heart will remain forever). The guy just cried and feel very sory. He knows that the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside her knowing you can't have her,see her,kiss her or be with her ever again....(find time to realize that there is one person who means so much to you,for you might wake up one morning losing that person who you thought meant nothing to you)....

My own silence

Aku diam bukan karena aku sudah tak perduli dengan dirimu,aku diam karena aku tak mau menyakitimu..aku diam bukan berarti aku sudah tak memperhatikanmu,aku diam karena aku ingin diperhatikan oleh mu..aku diam bukan karena aku tak mau berusaha tuk jadi yang terbaik untuk mu,aku diam karena aku belum bisa menemukan jalan tuk bisa membahagiakan mu..aku diam bukan berarti aku tak mencintaimu,aku diam karena aku berdoa agar dirimu mencintaiku....

My own question

Bagaimana kau akan tahu segala perasaanku,sedang jarak memisahkan aku denganmu

Bagaimana kau akan tahu bahwa aku disini begitu mengingatmu,sedang kita tak pernah berkata

Bagaimana kau akan tahu hatiku tak akan berpaling,sedang dirimu selalu merasa ragu
Entahlah,aku kira aku tak akan pernah tahu..

My own reminder #2

Tuhan..ridhoilah setiap keputusan hamba yang Engkau anggap benar,Tuhan..tegurlah setiap keputusan hamba yang Engkau anggap salah,Tuhan..ikhlaskanlah keyakinanku terhadapMu,Tuhan..lapangkanlah kepercayaanku terhadapMu.

Tuhan..dengan semua kekuasaanMu bantulah hamba dalam menjalani hidup,Tuhan..dengan semua kasih sayangMu bahagiakanlah hamba dan orang' yang sayang kepadaMu,Tuhan..dengan kebesaranMu lapangkanlah pintu maaf untukku bagi mereka' yang telah hamba sakiti,Tuhan..dengan keagunganMu tempatkanlah derajat hamba diantara derajat orang' beriman sebelum hamba.

Tuhan..hamba hanya manusia biasa yang Engkau ciptakan sesempurna mungkin,dengan kekuranganku hamba mohon ampunan atas dosa'ku,dengan kelebihanku hamba syukuri pahala'ku,dengan keterbatasanku hamba jalani hidupku,dengan kekuatanku hamba jalani cobaan'Mu,dengan harapan mendapatkan jalan yang terbaik didunia dan diakhirat,Tuhan..kabulkanlah doa,harapan dan impianku,karena sesungguhnya hamba adalah milikMu,karena sesungguhnya Engkau adalah TUHANku..

My own feelings #2

Far away,too far,i cant go on,yet i love her,her existence seems unreal,almost a dream,why do i put myself through this?,because i love her,what will i do to pass the time?,i will think of her,but that cause pain along with happiness.

Time drags to slowly,10 hours,days or years?,i dont know,all i know it is to long,to be away from her.

I want to fall into her,lose myself in her,be one with her,she is my light in the dark,i would go to her.

But iam still alone,unseeing,unthinking,unwanted,my whole body screams,let her come to me,but she cant,or wont?,but i know her,she loves me,i smile again,breathing,keeping the faith alive,living for the day that we finally meet.

My own reminder

Kekurangan kita bukanlah sebuah kutukan,bukan juga sebuah beban,kekurangan kita adalah sebuah modal untuk selalu berusaha jadi lebih baik.Belajar menerima kekurangan kita sebagai bagian dari kehidupan adalah keharusan,belajar menghargai dan menghormati kekurangan kita dan mencoba mengapresiasikan nya dengan menghargai dan menghormati kekurangan orang lain adalah suatu kebaikan,karena sesungguhnya kekurangan kita merupakan kelebihan suatu kehidupan,karena sesungguhnya kehidupan didunia ini pun tak sempurna dan sesungguhnya kesempurnaan hanya milik TUHAN..

My own parents..

Selama 9 bulan dikandung,akhirnya ku terbangun ku terjaga,dengan tangisan,ku berjuang tuk peroleh kehidupan dunia

Doa,harapan dan pengabdian tertumpu,kasih dan sayang menyertai,terucap kata alhamdulilah pada sang ilahi

Keringat ayah menafkahi,tangis ibu menyayangi,alunan doa mengamini,membuka pintu masa depan

Tak ada kata lelah,tak ada kata menyerah,ikhlas seadanya,pengorbanan orang tua nyata apa adanya

Ucapan maaf atas kesalahan,tetesan air mata penyesalan atas dosa,berharap ampunan,berharap keikhlasan orang tua dan tuhan

Ibu ayah segalanya didunia,surga bertumpu padanya,muara dunia dan akhirat,kasih sayang hingga akhir hayat

My own feelings..

Malam gelap terselimuti dingin,Terlelap dalam sepi,Sendiri tanpa belaian kasih,Hampa tanpa ada tangan yang memeluk erat semua perasaan yang dulu pernah ada

Dalam tenangnya malam,Hati menangis,Tetes air mata penyesalan seakan tak kunjung reda,Hanya doa,usaha dan harapan menjadi pilihan

Terbawa oleh gelapnya malam,Mata pun terpejam,Harapan terucap,Janji hari esok kan lebih baik pun tertanam

Malam berganti pagi,Gelap berganti terang,Hati menangis berganti senyuman,Janji berganti perbuatan

Berjalan dengan waktu,Berputar adil tanpa aturan,Luka itu pun padam,Yang tersisa hanya pelajaran yang berujung kemenangan

Hargai hidup dengan sepantasnya,Jalani hidup apa adanya,Walau beragam warna ada padanya,Lebih baik tenang apa adanya